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对于考虑减肥Surgery的个人, The 减肥外科 at 威彻斯特医疗中心 offers bariatric surgical services, 术后护理和术后咨询以及营养规划. Our highly trained team is dedicated to providing the highest level of patient care every step of the way. Our surgeons have decades of combined experience and have performed many types of bariatric surgeries, 包括袖式胃切除术, 胃旁路Surgery, 十二指肠转换和先前减肥Surgery的修订, 包括内窥镜检查. 

We work closely with our patients to create an individualized treatment and care plan. 我们的外科Surgery, 虽然很重要, 只是我们提供给病人的综合护理的一部分吗. The foundation of our work lies in providing patients the medically supervised tools and counseling they need to live a fit and healthy life. 我们提供医疗减肥方案, 支持团体, 注册营养师, 健康食谱和各种营养补充剂和零食产品. 我们的承诺是改变生活.


减肥Surgery 914.493.6567
一般查询电话: 914.493.7000
我们的电邮地址: wmc_bariatric@wmchealth.org





袖式胃切除术切除左侧胃, 结果产生了一个新的胃,大小和形状都和香蕉差不多. 这 operation does not involve any "rerouting" or reconnecting the intestines, 这是一个比胃旁路Surgery或十二指肠转换Surgery更简单的Surgery.


这 most commonly performed and highly successful procedure creates a small stomach pouch and then constructs a "bypass" for the small amount of food which is ingested. The smaller stomach area limits the amount of food that can be ingested and the bypass allows that food to skip parts of the small intestine, 减少热量和营养的吸收.


吸收不良的Surgery会缩小胃的大小, 尽管它仍然比其他程序大一些. The stomach pouch created is connected to the lower part of the small intestine, 导致热量和营养的吸收减少. There are three malabsorptive procedures that our bariatric services team provides: Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch, 胆胰分流和扩展Roux-en-Y胃旁路Surgery.

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal limits stomach removal to the outer margin and creates a sleeve of stomach. 小肠的第一部分, 十二指肠, 是分开的,以便胰腺和胆汁引流被绕过.


Revisional bariatric surgery is available for patients who have already undergone a form of weight loss surgery and have either had complications from such surgery or have not achieved significant weight loss results from the initial procedure.


Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding restricts food intake by placing a band around the uppermost part of the stomach, 导致两个胃部分:一个小的和一个大的. 由于胃被分成更小的部分,大多数病人感觉饱得更快. The band used in this procedure is adjustable in the event that the rate of weight loss is not acceptable. Unlike the Roux-en-Y procedure, digestion and intestinal absorption occur normally.


WMC is an MBSAQIP 认证中心 (Comprehensive with Adolescent designation) MBSAQIP works to advance safe, high-quality care for bariatric surgical patients through the accreditation of bariatric surgical centers. A bariatric surgical center achieves accreditation following a rigorous review process during which it proves that it can maintain certain physical resources, 人力资源, 以及实践标准. 所有认证中心都将其结果报告给MBSAQIP数据库.


  • 通过MBSAQIP认证的青少年综合中心
  • BC/BS减肥区分中心
  • Aetna减肥质量研究所
  • 联合医疗保健Optum减肥卓越中心
  • 减肥MVP认证


除了和你的外科医生会诊之外, 你需要和心脏病专家进行术前预约, 胸腔科, 营养学家, 也是行为健康专家. In some cases, appointments with an endocrinologist and a vascular specialist are required.


你应该计划在医院住一到两天, 然后在家休养一到三周.



  • 2周和5周
  • 3、6、9和12个月
  • 每年两次,为期两年
  • 终身每年一次

Weight loss typically starts happening soon after surgery and continues for 18 months to two years. 在那之后你的体重可能会反弹一点, 但是很少有人能把减掉的体重全部补回来.

We will provide counseling and support to help you learn and maintain healthy eating habits and establish an exercise routine. Your follow-up appointments will be important in helping to keep you on track as well as for monitoring your weight loss.


是的, 虽然其中很多是积极的,比如提高能量水平, (尤其是当你在锻炼的时候), 减少疲劳, 晚上睡得更好. Consistent exercise will burn calories, build muscle tone, and help you feel better overall.

另一方面, you may notice excess skin folds and wrinkles where the greatest weight loss has occurred, 尤其是在脸上, 上臂, 和腹部. You may want to consider reconstructive surgery to improve your appearance after your weight loss has stabilized.


According to the American Obesity Association, you may qualify for obesity surgery:

  • 如果你严重肥胖(BMI在40以上)或者BMI在35到39之间.9 with serious medical conditions (such as high blood cholesterol and triglycerides, 高血压, 睡眠呼吸暂停, 2型糖尿病, 以及其他严重的心肺疾病)
  • 如果你尝试过其他减肥方法(改变饮食), 行为, increased physical activity and/or drug therapy) and are still severely obese
  • If you are unable to physically perform routine daily activities (work-related and family functions) and your quality of life is seriously impaired due to the severity of your obesity
  • 如果你了解Surgery的程序,Surgery的风险,以及Surgery后的影响
  • If you are motivated to making a lifelong 行为al commitment that includes well-balanced eating and physical activity habits which are needed to achieve the best results


点击这里 来计算你的身体质量指数,以了解你目前的体重.

For candidates planning on having surgery at 威彻斯特医疗中心 we are pleased to announce we are now offering a free online webinar.

The 60-minute webinar (90 slides with 20 questions) must be completed in one session. 我们强烈建议您在PC上观看网络研讨会. If you attempt to view the webinar on a mobile device, the signal may not be reliable. 如果信号中断,将生成“不完整”报告. Once you have completed the webinar we will receive notification with your information, which will then be forwarded to the program coordinator who will contact you to ask if you would like to make an appointment to see one of the surgeons.


请 点击这里.


**安全有效的护理环境是我们的首要任务, and 威彻斯特医疗中心 has undertaken the necessary steps to protect our patients, 随着新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)形势的发展,游客和工作人员.  这包括转变我们的 减肥支持小组参加虚拟会议,直到另行通知.**  



  • 支持小组在三月的第三个星期三举行 每月下午6时至7时. 
  • 这 Support Group is exclusively for those patients who have had bariatric surgery. 加入WebEx,即表示您同意 在这个支持小组中与他人分享你的信息.  


联系项目协调员 914.347.0162 查看虚拟会议的日期和时间.

Pre-Op Support Groups will have "panel" discussions of Post-Op Patients available to answer your questions.


Woman Takes Control of Her Health and Changes Her Life Through Weight Loss Journey


Kaul, Ashutosh, MBBS
Ashutosh Kaul, MBBS
微创和减肥外科主任, 威彻斯特医疗中心, and Professor of Surgery and Program Director of the Minimally Invasive Surgery Fellowship, 纽约医学院
  • 普通外科
  • 外科Surgery,机器人Surgery
  • Surgery,减肥Surgery
托马斯·D·塞拉博纳., MD
  • 普通外科
  • Surgery,减肥Surgery
乔纳森·扬诺内., MD
  • 普通外科
  • Surgery,减肥Surgery
  • 外科Surgery,机器人Surgery
  • 普通外科
  • Surgery,减肥Surgery